Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Inky pinky winky disturbed thoughts *Esy shake that ass like a drunk brittish man*

So Esy has made me post. She has... how do you say, convicted me - tugged at my tiny tattered *black emo tears go here* heartstrings and made me chuckle so heartily. Yes, the young men are over there. It´s also okay that I wasn´t IN Denmark at that particular time. Amazingly enough, I was still able to somehow converse with a drunk danish woman even though we werent standing on our native soil. Poor old man... 
Michelle... do oh do oh doooo find that apple fanta advert we started making... post it.. please oh please? :D yay. I knew you would. 

I leave you now with this wonderful, albeit slightly disturbing memory of me:

1 comment:

Esy said...

I'm no shaking no ass like a drunk Britt!!! No no no exterminate. LOL, we did a good job for one day.
Deranged minds lives YETTTT!!!!!